Certification & Standards

ISO 9001 - Certified

HighSecLabs (HSL) is ISO-certified since its incorporation. ISO applies high-quality standards to processes that create products and services and is used by manufacturing and service industries all over the world. ISO is the world’s best-known, most recognized international standard. Our certification represents our commitment to quality products and services and the processes that ensure them.

ISO 27001 - Certified

High Sec Labs Ltd. (HSL) is proud to announce that HSL, including its US-based subsidiary High Sec Labs Inc., has received certification that its Information Security Management System (ISMS) conforms to the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022. ISO/IEC 27001 is the industry’s accepted standard for identifying information security risks, vulnerabilities and impacts, implementing a comprehensive suite of information security controls and risk mitigation and avoidance, and continuously reviewing and improving the organization’s information security controls as needs evolve. 

HSL, as a company dedicated to cyber-security, views this certification as a crucial milestone. The certification validates HSL’s secure product development and manufacturing procedures, along with the secure treatment and protection of customer data related to HSL’s customized cyber-security projects and products. 

  • To view HSL LTD. ISO 27001 certificate (English) Click here
  • To view HSL LTD. ISO 27001 certificate (Hebrew) Click here

Common Criteria EAL4+ Certification

HighSecLabs is proud to be awarded with Common Criteria EAL4+ Certification for its 8 and 16 ports KVM Combiners models TC82PHG-3T (8 ports) and TC162PHG-3T (16 ports).

HSL’s 8/16 Ports KVM Combiner switches enable to view and interact  with multiple computers that can be presented on a single or two displays, using a single set of keyboard, mouse and speakers. HSL’s KVM Combiners are a mix between KVM, a scaler and a multi-viewer allowing complete user flexibility and interactive experience in many control room and command station scenarios.

View the certificate document on the FMV Official site

Or download it here.


Common Criteria - NIAP certification

HighSecLabs is proud to be awarded with Common Criteria NIAP Certification for its SK41D-4TR, 4-Port HDMI ruggedized secure KVM Switch.

HSL’s 4-Port HDMI ruggedized secure KVM Switch, the only KVM that provides military users the highest security in the most challenging environmental conditions.  It’s designed to be installed on military vehicles, submarines and airborne platforms. 

Download it here.


Compliance with Environmental Standards

As part of our commitment to the environment, HSL designs its products using non-toxic materials that comply with the European Union’s Restrictions of Hazardous Substance (ROHS) Directive.

ROHS & WEEE Directives

In 2002 the European Parliament adopted two directives to try and decrease the presence of hazardous substances in the waste stream. RoHS Directive restricts the use of certain Hazardous Substances in products. WEEE Directive seeks to decrease waste level through comprehensive waste management programs.

Substances banned or severely restricted include Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDE).

HSL Commitment

All HSL products are fully compliant with ROHS Directive.
Our suppliers play a significant role in ensuring that this commitment is met.

HSL is committed to minimize environmental impact of our products by using environmentally-focused policies and practices in the design, manufacture, support and disposal of our solutions.

What HSL Customers can expect
Our customers can expect HSL-designed products to be fully compliant with the RoHS Directive.

For direct sales to customers – the customer is responsible for returning the WEEE to HSL at their cost and HSL will dispose of the WEEE in accordance with the applicable legislation.

For indirect sales to customers via Business Partners, distributors and resellers (BP), BP, is viewed as importer of the EEE and is by law responsible for the take back and the disposal of WEEE. In countries where HSL is part of an individual take back scheme, e.g. Austria, France, Germany and Ireland, BP is responsible for returning WEEE to HSL at their cost and HSL will then take responsibility for the disposal of the WEEE in accordance with the applicable WEEE legislation


For questions regarding RoHS compliant HSL products or product availability, and regarding WEEE please contact your HSL representative or one of our authorized business partners.

HSL Conflict Minerals Policy Statement

High Sec Labs (“HSL”) is committed to sourcing components and materials from companies that share our values around human rights, ethics, and environmental responsibility. We anticipate all our suppliers to abide through the necessities of our Supplier Code of Conduct, which prohibits human rights abuses and unethical practices. We additionally require all suppliers to conform with applicable legal standards and requirements.

On August 22, 2012, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) adopted the final conflict minerals rule under Section 1502 the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The Conflict Minerals Rule requires publicly traded companies to report annually the presence of conflict minerals in their products originating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or adjoining countries commonly known as “Covered Countries”. Under Section 1502, the term “conflict minerals” includes tantalum, tin, gold, tungsten commonly referred as “3TG”. Section 1502 is enacted because of concerns that the exploitation and trade of conflict minerals by armed groups is helping to finance conflict in the DRC region and is contributing to severe humanitarian crisis.

The rules published by SEC reference the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, which guides suppliers to establish policies, due diligence frameworks and management systems. In 2017, Regulation (EU) 2017/821 of the European Parliament and of the European Council of 17 May 2017 was passed concerning supply chain due diligence obligations for Union importers of 3TG and their ores, originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.

HSL supports the goal of ending violence, human rights violations, and environmental devastation in the Covered Countries. We are committed to complying with any requirements applicable to our Company under the Conflict Minerals Rule and will work to understand and trace the 3TG minerals that are contained within the products coming from the supply chain.

HSL will assist our customers in implementing their conflict minerals programs. We aim to work cooperatively with our customers and supply chain partners in implementing conflict minerals compliance programs. HSL requires all our suppliers to provide us with completed conflict minerals declarations using the RMI Conflict Minerals Reporting Template. We may reconsider our willingness to partner with those suppliers who fail to comply with this Policy.

HSL Code of Conduct & Ethics Policy

The Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy of High Sec Labs outlines the principles, values and standards of behavior expected from all employees, contractors, vendors and authorized users while representing the organization. This Policy serves as a guide to ensure ethical conduct, integrity and compliance with the highest standards of business ethics.

HDC33475 – Code of Conduct Signed

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the expectations High Sec Labs (HSL) has for its suppliers regarding their activities in the production and delivery of goods and services supplied directly to HSL.

The Supplier Code of Conduct supports HSL’s values, purpose, and strategy, as well as internationally recognized standards and appropriate codes of practice.

HDC35990 – Supplier Code of Conduct Rev A